
Doctor trials laser treatment to change eye colour

I read an article about a laser treatment that changes patients' eye colour.

Dr Gregg Homer claims 20 seconds of laser light can remove pigment in brown eyes and turn them blue. The process involves a computerised system.  Dr Homer said "We use two frequencies that are absorbed by dark pigment, and it is fully absorbed so there is no danger of damage to the rest of the eye."  The pigment called melanin does not regenerate, so the treatment is irreversible.

However, other eye experts urge caution. They think that the pigment is there for a reason. Therefore, destroying eye pigment can cause sight problems if too much light is allowed to enter the pupil.

But Dr Homer said that the treatment is safe. The treatment  removes the pigment from only the eye's surface, and most of it will be left untouched. Patients would be less sensitive to light. Moreover, Dr Homer said "We run tests for 15 different safety examination procedures. We run the tests before and after the treatment, and the following day, and the following weeks, and the following months and the following three months. Thus far we have no evidence of any injury."

Stroma Medical believes the treatment will be popular. 17% of Americans would want it if they knew it was completely safe.Growing demand for cosmetic contact lenses is also evidence of a growing desire to alter eye colour.

I don't want get the treatment because the treatment is irreversible. I don't think that I want change my eye color at this time. If I want change my eye color as fashion, I will use color contact lenses.

In Japan, many people change their hair color as fashion. However, it is not irreversible. Their hair grows gradually and new hair has original color. We can change our hair color any number of times easily. Changing eye color is different from changing hair color.

Futhermore, cosmetic surgery is regarded as not good in Japan. We think our natural physical feature is a present from our parents, so we should not change it. Also in this point, I want change my eye color by the irreversible treatment.

"Doctor trials laser treatment to change eye colour." BBC Online. 5 November 2011. Web. 7 November 2011.<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-15596885>

1 件のコメント:

  1. Plastic surgery and other forms of body modification are big business in America. In the back of newspapers and magazines there are many advertisements for such services. Added to surgical procedures many people get tattoos and many obsess exercising so they can get "six pack" stomachs, "steel buns" and big biceps. Both men and women. Added to all the time and money people spend trying to change their bodies, they spend even more time and money buying fashionable clothes.

    It's my guess that if people were more concerned with improving their minds than with trying to look good the world would be a much better place.
